Rico Suter's blog.


Angular: Convert input values to the correct type with a TypeScript property decorator

I recently played with Angular and found an uncomfortable problem: Declaring an input property with a TypeScript type does not guarantee that the input value will always be of this type. This is because the Angular framework may update an input with a wrongly typed value and thus is able to “circumvent” the TypeScript type system. As a result, you may end up with strange and unexpected runtime errors.
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Migrate a TFS repository to a Azure DevOps Git repository

To migrate a TFS repository to a Azure DevOps Git repository, just perform the following steps.
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JavaScript Promises: Tips, tricks and best practices

JavaScript Promises are a very powerful tool to avoid the callback nesting hell. The following article describes some tips and tricks when working with Promises. For developers with C# async/await knowledge, I will also show the async/await representations. With TypeScript, you can use this async/await syntax today.
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Inside Async/Await: Synchronize an async method or code block

Have you ever tried to await a task inside a lock() block? It is not possible, because you can only synchronize synchronous code with the lock keyword. However, in today’s .NET development, async/await is used everywhere and the need to synchronize asynchronous code blocks is coming up quite often. This is why I wrote a simple class which can be used to synchronize asynchronous code blocks.
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Avoid wrongly scoped injections with a custom Ninject kernel

I’m currently working on a large project where different teams implement assemblies which are consumed by other teams. We use Ninject for dependency injection: Each assembly has a Ninject module class which registers the available interface-to-implemenation bindings. At the moment, the consumers of these assemblies just know what module classes to load and what interfaces to inject into own objects like ASP.NET controllers or own service objects, but nothing about the scope of the injected objects. Recently we had some nasty runtime errors, because a consumer of one of these assemblies injected a per-request scoped object into a singleton-scoped object. This is why I looked for a way to detect injections of wrongly scoped objects (also known as captive dependencies).
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Getting started with Entity Framework Code First Migrations

The following post describes the steps to setup and use Entity Framework Code First Migrations. For more information read this Microsoft page. The sample application shown in this article can be found on GitHub.
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How to implement an enum with string values in TypeScript

I currently work an a single-page application (SPA), where we use TypeScript to access web services. In some places, the sent and received data structures use enums to describe the range of allowed values.
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Bug Fix: Code Contracts compile error in Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10

This article shows how to fix Code Contracts compile errors in Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10.
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Avoiding DLL file locks when using .NET reflection in external assemblies

For one of my projects, I had to load external assemblies and query the exported types (i.e. the public classes) using reflection. Everything worked fine, except that the .DLL files were being locked until the application was terminated.
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Precompile ASP.NET MVC Razor views in Release mode to find errors at compile time

A problem we often face when developing ASP.NET MVC applications is that errors in Razor views are only detected at runtime while browsing the site. This is because the Razor views are not compiled until they are requested by the browser.
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